Effective Job Search Tips That REALLY Work


About Job Searching

Job searching is a really hard, complicated, and time-consuming process.  The numbers have certainly varied, but it can take a job seeker an average of 15 to 26 weeks in the United States to gain employment.  Yikes.  So it is important that you have a plan and process in place.

As a Career Coach and Resume Writer, I have seen what consistently works during an effective job search.  I have compiled a list of tips and tricks for job seekers to use as a guide during their job search. There is even a FREE PRINTABLE VERSION HERE!

More Information

I offer personalized career coaching and resume writing services to help you with your job search needs. Find out more here!

 Before the Job Search

Plan. It is so important that you know where you want to go and why and that driven by your VIPS: Values, Interests, Personality, and Skill-Sets. Take some time to get to know yourself and plan your journey.

Update your resume Add your experiences and accomplishments but remember to tailor it for each job you apply for. Check out my FREE Printable Resume Checklist for a guide!

Be prepared for rejection. Typically, you will hear “no” more than “yes”, regardless of the job market. REJECTION IS NORMAL IN THE JOB MARKET.

Get your Elevator Pitch and your Network ready. See my FREE Printable Elevator Pitch Fill-In to get you started! Then, professionally let your contacts know what type of job you want.

 During Your Job Search

Focus. Considering it takes around 40 minutes to apply for a job even when your resume is complete, it is important that you remember your Plan and Focus. Be selective and intentional with every job you apply.

Network. Keep networking. It is important when you are applying for positions to keep your network in the loop while expanding your network. Even reconnecting with old friends (not MLM style) can help you land your next job.

Plan your day. Searching for a job is a full-time job. It’s important you have a daily routine to help. Get ready for the day and divide it into tasks.

Mental health is important. Job searching can be depressing and isolating. Take care of yourself. Talk to someone and step away from the grind.


Nurture your network. Once you land your job, don’t forget those that helped you get there. Send a thank you, stay in touch, and don’t be a stranger!

Grow your network. Your network is really the secret to your job search. Keep expanding it even when you land your next job. That can mean not being a hermit at work, attending a conference or professional development event.


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A Career Coach and Resume Writer who has seen transformative results in her clients for thirteen years through passion, collaboration, and hard work.

I’ve career coached hundreds of clients into success and after finally having the courage myself to practice what I preach I walked away from not one, not two, but three jobs in a row during the Great Resignation. Your greatest failures can lead to your greatest successes, and you do not have to settle for anything less than you deserve.